Customer Care

Complaints Policy


This policy sets out how you can make a complaint about Davie Group or our products, services, staff or handling of your complaint. It also sets out how we handle complaints, and the steps you can take if you are not satisfied with our response to, or handling of, your complaint. We will treat you with respect, and we expect that you will treat our staff in the same manner. This policy was last updated on 7 November 2024.

What is a Complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us or our products, services, staff or handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

How to Make a Complaint

You can make a complaint to us:

  1. On our website:
  2. by mail: 39 Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh SA 5007

When making a complaint, please tell us:

  1. your name;
  2. your preferred communication method and how we may get in touch with you or your representative;
  3. if any special assistance is required;
  4. what outcome you are looking for.
If You Need Help to Make a Complaint

If you need help to make or manage your complaint, you can ask someone else (like a relative or friend) to represent you. We will need your permission to speak to any representative you appoint.

How We Deal with Complaints

We will acknowledge your complaint promptly, but in any event within 24 hours of receiving it. We will generally acknowledge your complaint using the same method you used to get in touch with us, unless you have indicated a preferred communication method.


If we cannot resolve your complaint immediately, we will investigate your concerns and may request further information from you.


We will provide a resolution to your complaint within 30 days unless your complaint is complex or because of circumstances beyond our control (in which case we will write to you to explain the reasons for delay). If we reject your complaint, our response will identify and address the issues you raised, set out our findings on the material questions of fact raised in your complaint, and provide a sufficient level of detail so that you can understand the reasons for our decision.

Requesting Updates about your Complaint

You can request updates about the status of your complaint by getting in contact with us.

Options for Redress

A range of possible remedies are available when resolving complaints, including an apology, an explanation of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint; a refund or waiver of a fee or charge, a goodwill payment, replacing damaged or lost property, changing the terms of a contract, or ceasing action that may cause detriment.

Escalating a Complaint

If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your complaint, or our response to your complaint, then you can escalate your complaint to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

Contacting the ACCC

You can contact the ACCC:

  1. by phone: 1300 302 502
  2. by mail: GPO Box 3131, Canberra ACT 2601
  3. online: